NEW: PAI Reporting

Fenion supports pension funds and insurance companies with PAI (Principal Adverse Impact) Reporting tailored to their specific needs to meet the regulatory requirements of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).

In the future, other pension institutions in addition to pension funds and insurance companies will also be required to regularly report on the sustainability factors or PAI indicators within their investments. The mandatory consideration of the principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors during the investment process, as well as their continuous measurement within the investments, is intended to make a significant contribution to promoting sustainable development in the financial market.

We offer our clients a comprehensive service with various PAI reporting modules to help them fulfil their sustainability-related disclosure obligations. Our services include the regular and thorough execution of PAI aggregations at different investment levels, including rigorous control of the input data of the relevant funds and investment vehicles.

We offer

  • Comprehensive consulting 

through our reporting professionals

  • Development and implementation of calculation logic 

according to individual customer requirements

  • Ongoing provision, extensive quality checks

and validation of input data

  • Execution of PAI aggregations 

at multi-dimensional investment levels

  • Preparation of coverage analyses 

for the respective PAI indicators

  • Audit-secure IT infrastructure

traceable and historized process, DORA compliant

Senior Fund Manager of an Asset Manager

"Many thanks again to you all! Really great how quickly the fund-of-funds TPTs are provided and in what quality. Without any post-processing, etc."

Monika S.

Investment Manager of Insurance Group

“I would like to thank you once again for the rapid adaptation and implementation of the report!"

Susanne W.

Head of Regulatory Reporting at a capital management company

"Your commitment, even on a public holiday, is extremely appreciated and we are very grateful for it."

Thomas N.

Management of capital investment of an insurance company

"You have really made a name for yourself in the analysis and reporting business - well done! I will never get tired recommending your good work.”

Florian W.

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Karin Ladinig

Product Manager Fund Data

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